Whats your name =sue kirkwood Date=03.11.2004 Your E-Mail=sue.kirkwood@ntlworld.com Your Location=teeside u.k. How did you find our website=From another link What unit are you from=Civilian message=hi there, just surfed in and find the site a real home base. ex-south african from up north area, Tzaneen, just south of Rhodesian border. i had family in Rhodesia during the bush war era, they since moved to "downunder". My cousin was in the special police force based Ritavi nr Umtali. I remember sitting on his stoep and looking across the valley to Mozambique. Had some real good times round Inyanga etc. miss my old continent like crazy, glad i found a website to read that brings back old memories. never had much to do with the war or unrest myself, other than joining the local commando unit and being trained in weapons etc. RSA is one of the few countries i know that make little exception to the sexes when it comes to a war. we were all combat trained good to find you sue k Whats your name =Lee "Dutch" Falk Date=15 Sept 2004 Your E-Mail=dutchfalk@msn.com Your Location=Leesburg, Virginia, USA How did you find our website=Just by chance What unit are you from=Ex Military message=Just finished re-reading my copy of "THE ELITE" by Barbara Cole. First acquired the book in 1985 during a trip to London. Retired from the US Army in the beginning of the '90's and still work for the US Govt in the Arms Control business. Served with the U.S. Special Forces in the early 60's with tours in Vietnam during '63-'64. I have a great respect for what the Rhodesian SAS did during the years of conflict. You gentlemen are truly a credit to the former Rhodesian Nation and to Special Ops soldiers everywhere. Whats your name =Dave McIntosh Date=17 July 2004 Your E-Mail=dave.mcintosh@deemac.co.nz Your Location=New Zealand How did you find our website=Just word of mouth What unit are you from=Ex Military message=Hi Still trying to establish comms with Paul Fisher. I see he attended the 2003 reunion so is still about. Best wishes to all. Dave McIntosh. Whats your name =Frank Pye Date=25 Feb 04 Your E-Mail=pyefrank@hotmail.com Your Location=UK How did you find our website=Just word of mouth What unit are you from=Ex Military message=I'm ex Para Regt and did a year 83-84 with BMATT in Zim A Mr Underwood-Spirs is in the Para Regt Assoc in the UK he said he was ex C Sqn He would not give his regt number but said he was a Maj in your Sqn ! WAS HE ? My regards to Steve Cleary,Jake Harper-Ronald A very good site All the Best Frank Pye Whats your name =John Munro Date=29 April 2004 Your E-Mail=jomunro@deloitte.co.za Your Location=Cape Town How did you find our website=Search engine What unit are you from=Civilian message=Surprized there is no BSA Police category under 'unit' !! Great site & well done. Darryl Watt, if you are out there send me an e-mail. See quite a bit of Fletch Jameson who is farming near here. Whats your name =CRAIG FOURIE Date=18.03.04 Your E-Mail=craig@dingler.co.za Your Location=DURBAN How did you find our website=Just word of mouth What unit are you from=Civilian message=OUR 2 BOOKS ON THE RHODESIANS IN THE LONG RANGE DESERT GROUP (LRDG) AND THE RHODESIANS IN THE SPECIAL AIR SERVICE (SAS) ARE NOW AVAILABLE. PLEASE CONTACT ME FOR FURTHER DETAILS.WE ARE ALREADY WORKING ON A REVISED 2ND EDTION OF THE SAS RHODESIA BOOK AS SO MUCH NEW MATERIAL HAS COME IN. IF YOU WISH TO CONTRIBUTE BY MEANS OF PHOTOS AND/OR STORIES WE LOOK FORWARD TO HEARING FROM YOU. THANK YOU Whats your name =Brett Harris Date=10-03-2004 Your E-Mail=BRHarris@anglogold.com Your Location=South Africa How did you find our website=Just word of mouth What unit are you from=Civilian message=Hi all, great informative site! Having been born in Rhodesia in the early 70's, I am interested to read about the goings on and find your site very interesting. My dad served in the forces in Rhodesia (not sure which unit though). We left in '76 Whats your name =Stephen Dunkley Date=14/2/2004 Your E-Mail=stephend@planethotels.co.za Your Location=Cayley Lodge ( Central berg) How did you find our website=Just word of mouth What unit are you from=Civilian message=At present researchingand writing a book oa a Daniel Francisco Roxo ( fought Frelimo in Moz 1964 -1974)as well as (Fapla/Swapo etc in angola )
Looking for info on tracking schools that where held by the SAS in
mozambique and Angola for the Portuguese troops ( 68 69 and 70)
also if anyone ever met Danny and could help with info I would appreciate it
and can contact me atabove e-mail address
Regards Hi Guys This is just a short message to thank all those people in the Association who gave me moral support during my illness. For those who don't know, I have been fighting cancer for the last two years including a 7 month stint in hospital, a bone marrow transplant and a very narrow brush with the grim reaper. I am now on the mend albeit very slowly. Thanks to Don Junner and Bruce Fraser for keeping me cheerful on the phone with news from everyone, even when I had tubes stuck up my nostril and to George Galbraith for the support that he gave. That support helped me like you won't believe. That's what the association is about. Thanks again Rob Hepple Whats your name =Bugs Moran Date=8.1.04 Your E-Mail=bugsy@moran9035.fsnet.co.uk Your Location=England How did you find our website=Just by chance What unit are you from=Ex Scout message=Great to visit your site, my uncle, brother in law and cousin all served with the squadron from Malaya to Mozambique. |