God bless
Victoria Whats your name =George Galbraith Date=20 November 2006 Your E-Mail= on request Your Location=Durban RSA How did you find our website=Search engine What unit are you from=Ex Csqn message= As Chairman of the SAS Association of Southern Africa, I would like to thank all of you who attended our recent 2006 Reunion in Durban(AGM, Memorial Service and Reunion Dinner).We really appreciate the effort and also understand that it is not practical for every member to attend and that there are many of you who would have loved to have been able to be there. Our thanks and greetings to all of you. I can tell you that the Association has never been more vibrant. If you served with us and have somehow lost contact, or know someone in these circumstances, we would really like to hear from you, so give us a call.
The Reunion, this year, was a fine affair in every respect and our drive to embrace any next of kin of our fallen, as well as that of deceased members since disbandment, is beginning to bear fruit. The Reunion was all the more poignant in that we lost our Honorary Colonel, Colonel Ken Harvey during the year. Regards and "Who Dares Wins"
George Whats your name =Jeppestown Press Date=26 Sept 2006 Your E-Mail=info@jeppestown.com Your Location=London, UK How did you find our website=Just word of mouth What unit are you from=Civilian message=The definitive roll of Rhodesian awards and decorations was published in September 2006 after two years' research in Zimbabwe, S.A. and the U.K. "The Rhodesian Medal Roll" book contains the name of every single recipient of Rhodesian honours gazetted between 1970 and October 1981. Over 12,000 awards - including nearly 2,000 that don't appear in "Contact" and "Contact II". Two Grand Crosses of Valour; 34 Silver Crosses of Rhodesia; and 130 Bronze Crosses. Not to mention almost 1,000 Exemplary Service Medals! Full alphabetical surname index: authoritative, comprehensive and accessible. Perfect for genealogists and military historians - and a great heirloom gift for medal recipients and their families. Find "The Rhodesia Medal Roll" on www.amazon.com and www.kalahari.net, or save 10% and buy direct from the publisher at www.jeppestown.com. Alternatively, just ask your local bookstore to order you a copy - the ISBN number is 0-9553936-0-4. Whats your name=Fred Le Roux Date=17th September, 2006 Your E-Mail= on request Your Location=Calgary, Canada How did you find our website=From ex sas member What unit are you from=Ex Csqn message=Hi Guys, Great site, good pics, lots of memories, King as ugly as ever, keep the site going. Maybe see you at a reunion one of these fine days. Would like to hear from any of you that remember me... Fred Whats your name=John Valentine Date=29 August 06 Your E-Mail=john@dccltd.ca Your Location=Canada How did you find our website=Search engine What unit are you from=Ex Military message=I was in the staff corps in Llewellyn Barracks. Probably trained a few of you guys in the early days. Look after yourselves. What’s your name =Paul Hogan Date=25/07/06 Your E-Mail=paulhogan@oceanbroadband.net Your Location=Western Australia How did you find our website=From another link What unit are you from=Ex Military message=Hi Guys, Just to let you know that the book "Only My Friends Call Me Crouks" by Dennis Croukamp is now out. Many will remember Dennis from his days in the RLI and Selous Scouts. The book is very well written and riveting reading. Dennis can be contacted at dennis@crouks.co.za. I can be contacted in Australia for book sales at www.paulhogan.com.au It's great to see Ex-Rhodesian service members putting pen to paper and sharing their exploits. Best Regards to all. Paul Hogan Whats your name =Tony de Bruyn Date=19 July 06 Your E-Mail=tony@africansun.com Your Location=Durban How did you find our website=From another link What unit are you from=Ex Csqn message= LOOKING FOR NEWS ITEMS FOR 2006 WINGED CHATTER.
Hi fellow comrades WORLDWIDE... Whats your name =Shane K Beary Date=9th July 2006 Your E-Mail=on request Your Location=Chiang Mai northern Thailand How did you find our website=From ex sas member What unit are you from=Ex SAS message=Served in RLI, 'C' Squadron, then Selous) from '69 through to '75. Spent some time going through the site, brings back many memories. My best wishes to those who remeber me. Please feel free to get in touch if you are coming out my way. Whats your name =Steve Dodd Date=24th May 2006 Your E-Mail=sdodd@aconex.com Your Location=South Africa How did you find our website=Just by chance What unit are you from=Ex Military message=Hi Lads, Great Site, very interesting. I am ex UK 3rd Btn Light Infantry, to young to remember your scrap, in my day we only had the IRA to fight. I was always interested in the bush war, and I have met a few Ex C sqn members in my stay in South Africa (or so they Say!!!!). Been out a few years now, and I keep in touch with my old mates through our "lightinfantryreunited" site, so I think you guys are doing a good job Cheers Steve Whats your name =Bez Bezuidenhout Date=April 28, 2006 Your E-Mail=on request Your Location=Denver, Colorado How did you find our website=Search engine What unit are you from=Ex Csqn message=Great to catch up with the Guys. Jake H-R, you look great, glad you survived the ordeal-I am not sure where I heard about it. I would like to hear back from John Riddick and Ian McKenzie. Anyone know the wherabouts of Rich Smith, Rich Swan and Stu Patterson. Keep it up guys Bez Whats your name =Louise Berry Date=30 March 2006 Your E-Mail=louise@tdcevents.co.za Your Location=Cape Town How did you find our website=From ex sas member What unit are you from=Ex Csqn message=My father was Dave Berry (CSqn) and was killed in 1982.....no more said! Have been to the 2004 and 2005 Reunion in Durban and shall continue to attend from now on with my older brother Graham. Once again, to all the wonderful Rhodesians I have recently met, kind regards - and to those who I am still to meet, I cannot wait! Please continue mailing me with stories, photos, memorabilia of the days when my dad was alive! It is an honour to be an ex Rhodesian and have had the opportunity to meet ex SAS soldiers who knew Dave. Whats your name =Etienne Fourie Date=15 February 2006 Your E-Mail=etienne_fourie@absamail.co.za Your Location=Bloemfontein, RSA How did you find our website=Search engine What unit are you from=Ex Military message=Ex-SADF(1988 - 1989), Ex-SANDF member(1996- 2004), Have read the book of Barbara Cole...always thought you guys in Special Forces are the Elite and have great admiration for the Best of the Best...be you SAS, Recce, Selous Scout, 32 Bn...as long as you were from Southern Africa...as you had to operate under extreme conditions with minimum or no support at all...THAT is the mark of the Best! Thank you for the sweat, tears and blood you guys have spilt (and friends lost that will NEVER be forgotten)to throw a brick wall at the Commies...just a shame the politicians always loose our wars for us...(was also involved in a low key conflict area during Border War Northern SWA/Namibia)...nothing "spectacular" like you guys...but still an adventure . Happy hunting an may the Beers never stop flowing! "Who Dares Wins" Etienne Whats your name =Sgt Jannie Barnard Date=Jan 2006 Your E-Mail=jandawnb@msn.com Your Location=california. USA. How did you find our website=From another link What unit are you from=Ex Military message=Worked with Dudley Coventry, Danny Hartman, John Riddick. Hey uncle Dan if you read this still think about you on a regular basses and dawn is still so grateful you made me shave off my beard for the wedding photos. Please email us |