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Csqn SAS Restricted Gallery HERE

Click HERE to see a pictures of former Csqn members who attended the Anzac memorial in Australia. Lots of them a brilliant turnout.

Click HERE to see a picture of former Csqn members who attended the funeral of Pete McAleese

Click HERE to see a picture of Dave and Rob from a very long time ago

Click HERE to see ex members, Joubs and Kevin in Brisbane - at the Sherwood RSL Remembrance Memorial Service,2023

Click HERE to see Mike Rich, chairman of the SAS association, at this years reunion in South Africa

Click HERE to see ex member Howard at the reunion 2023, in South Africa

Click HERE to see a picture of Mike Rich speaking at the South African reunion 2021

Click HERE to see an ex csqn operator still operating in the Horn of Africa

Click HERE to see the unveiling of memorial plaques for ex members who have recently died.

Click HERE to see the memorial service for Bob Warren-Codrington

Click HERE to see an ex CO of C Squadron, Jack Crutchley receive the sword of honour at Sandhurst.

Click HERE to see four gentlemen who need no introduction if you did your para course or freefall/halo course at New Sarum

Click HERE to see a picture, dont know where when or who but an interesting picture all the same

Click HERE to see ex member T King laying a wreath at a remembrance ceremony in Port Elizabeth South Africa

Click HERE to see John Rob and Stan at the South African reunion 2018

Click HERE to see a great picture of the poppy drop at this years SAS memorial in South Africa

Click HERE to see some well known members at this years reunion in the UK 2017.

Click HERE to see Rob Spike and Roy at the South African reunion 2017

Click HERE to see an ex member we havent seen in a while who attended the South African reunion this year, 2017.

Click HERE to see Nick, Ian and Vernon at this years reunion in South Africa

Click HERE to see Rob and Graham at this years reunion in South Africa

Click HERE to see another group shot of ex members at the Uk memorial 2016

Click HERE to see a nice group shot of ex members at the Uk memorial 2016

Click HERE to see some pictures from the 2016 memorial in South Africa

Click HERE or HERE or HERE to see photographs of the new SAS memorial in South Africa

Click HERE to see a nice group shot of supporters with Jock Hutton after he had been presented with the Legion d'Honneur

Click HERE to see a nice shot of Jock Hutton after he had been presented with the Legion d'Honneur

Click HERE to see a nice group shot from when the world was a much thinner place

To see a nice picture of the unit in 1977
Click HERE

To see a nice picture of A Sqn
Click HERE

To see a nice picture of B Sqn
Click HERE

To see a nice picture of C Sqn
Click HERE

To see a nice group shot with a lot of well known members
Click HERE

To see a nice pre op picture of a large free fall team
Click HERE

To see a picture of ex member Rob Mackenzie receive his MBE
Click HERE

To see a nice picture of some well known ex members in Kandahar
Click HERE

To see pictures from ex member Richard Smith s memorial
Click HERE

Ex RSM Jock Hutton about to parachute,one of three jumps,(20/07/11), not bad for an 86 year old

Another recent picture of Jock Hutton

One of the best pictures we have received, Richard Joe and NIck,
Click HERE

Ex members Frans and Tony helping to eradicate a drug problem
Click HERE

Mike and Richard getting ready to go to work
Click HERE

To see a photograph taken in 1980 and I can safely say you will never see these four together again

Interesting picture from Malay days, two people in this picture were to feature prominently in Rhodesias future.

Great para course picture circa 1974, some well known faces

Ex member Stan keeping the sky above afghanistan safe

13 Troop on way to Malaya 1951

Recently received picture showing some ex members enjoying the good life in Australia

ANZAC 2011 Click HERE

Who Dares Wins